My day off
Monday, October 10, 2005
I went lunch with a friend from work. She is excepting a baby and she is having a difficult time. We went to lunch and we enjoy each other company. She mention that she had to go to Lowe's to get a ice machine tubing kit so I offered to drive so off we went. Upon arrival at Lowe's I notice the good looking men that were all over the place and my friend got her kit and we walked around she was looking a carpet for the baby's room. She needs a 8x10 carpet and the cost was out of this world like $200.00 I said have you ever been to Ollie's Outlet and she said no. I suggest we take a look there and sure enough we found exactly what she wanted for only $65.00 now how was I going to get this carpet to her home. We pushed and wedged that carpet in my car and got it to fit and amazing we got it out of the car. We carried it into the house and I met her 2 jack russell terriers and they were so cute. I said goodbye to my 2 new friends and when to my massage needless to say that was great. Then I went to the grocery store and when I came out I saw that fire prevention night was being held in the lower parking lot. If you have been reading my blog you all know my recent problems with my boy toy well my boy toy is a voluteer fireman and guess who was at the fire prevention night now I drove right by him and I smile and wave but did I get anything back NO. I just do not understand he makes me feel like crap and I let him make me feel this way. Which makes me mad at myself because I am better than that. I don't know I try not to think about him but it is hard he seems to be everywhere. I he would act mature about the situation it would be alot different. Guess this teach me not to hook up with people I work with.
I went lunch with a friend from work. She is excepting a baby and she is having a difficult time. We went to lunch and we enjoy each other company. She mention that she had to go to Lowe's to get a ice machine tubing kit so I offered to drive so off we went. Upon arrival at Lowe's I notice the good looking men that were all over the place and my friend got her kit and we walked around she was looking a carpet for the baby's room. She needs a 8x10 carpet and the cost was out of this world like $200.00 I said have you ever been to Ollie's Outlet and she said no. I suggest we take a look there and sure enough we found exactly what she wanted for only $65.00 now how was I going to get this carpet to her home. We pushed and wedged that carpet in my car and got it to fit and amazing we got it out of the car. We carried it into the house and I met her 2 jack russell terriers and they were so cute. I said goodbye to my 2 new friends and when to my massage needless to say that was great. Then I went to the grocery store and when I came out I saw that fire prevention night was being held in the lower parking lot. If you have been reading my blog you all know my recent problems with my boy toy well my boy toy is a voluteer fireman and guess who was at the fire prevention night now I drove right by him and I smile and wave but did I get anything back NO. I just do not understand he makes me feel like crap and I let him make me feel this way. Which makes me mad at myself because I am better than that. I don't know I try not to think about him but it is hard he seems to be everywhere. I he would act mature about the situation it would be alot different. Guess this teach me not to hook up with people I work with.
At 10:24 PM ,
Polt said...
hope you're enjoying the cruise, even though I know it must be SOOOO strenuous...third time out of the country in, what, 5 weeks? You poor baby. :)
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