Are all men gay????
Well here I am once again wondering what the heck is wrong with me.
If you saw my last post you know that I met a nice guy and I will admit I really liked him. I could even say I could have fallen in love with him... He said things that made me believe he was different from the other men I have been involved with.
Then my calls were not being return and my im's and email were not being answered. So I thought is there something wrong with is daughter or with him....
Well then the other morning my im messenger goes off and its him. I sent him an im to say hey whats up are you ok... He said he sorry that he has not called there is something I need to know... I moved someone in with me... well I think who is she and all the time he was with me was he with her? Then he said it was a GUY well that just brings up a whole other can of worms.
1st of all he does not have the balls to tell me to my face or even on the phone. He does this on the computer..
2nd He tells me all the nice things that a woman wants to hear and I was stupid enough to believe him...
3rd He wants to know if we can still be a couple...
Well needless to say I have not seen him or talk to him since...
Now I know none of this is because of me but why do men do this to me????
Are there any good men other there???? and if there is where are they????
I have decided to give up on men its seems that all they do is lie.....
If you saw my last post you know that I met a nice guy and I will admit I really liked him. I could even say I could have fallen in love with him... He said things that made me believe he was different from the other men I have been involved with.
Then my calls were not being return and my im's and email were not being answered. So I thought is there something wrong with is daughter or with him....
Well then the other morning my im messenger goes off and its him. I sent him an im to say hey whats up are you ok... He said he sorry that he has not called there is something I need to know... I moved someone in with me... well I think who is she and all the time he was with me was he with her? Then he said it was a GUY well that just brings up a whole other can of worms.
1st of all he does not have the balls to tell me to my face or even on the phone. He does this on the computer..
2nd He tells me all the nice things that a woman wants to hear and I was stupid enough to believe him...
3rd He wants to know if we can still be a couple...
Well needless to say I have not seen him or talk to him since...
Now I know none of this is because of me but why do men do this to me????
Are there any good men other there???? and if there is where are they????
I have decided to give up on men its seems that all they do is lie.....
At 10:15 PM ,
Polt said...
Yes there are good men out here, and we're all over. But I guess the only problem is...we're the gay men.
Str8 men, yeah, I can't figure them out either. Still wanna sleep with the cute ones, but no I can't figure them out. :)
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