Several subjects today
1st Subject
It snow last night and though it is very pretty this morning it cold wet and buried my car. I took me hour and a half to get my car dug out and I bet this evening when I get home from work someone else will have parked in my space.
2nd Subject
I got a web cam for my computer and I knew there were alot of perverted people in the world but who knew they all had a computer. I have never been asked to show my breast so many times in my life. Now I won't say if I have fullfilled any of the requests because that could make me a little perverted myself.
3rd Subject
Why when you know someone is wrong for you and you should not even give him the time of day? Why do you want to forgive them and try it again? When you know it is not good for you....
4th Subject
Why are Canadian men the greatest? Is it the accents or did their mothers raise them to be respectful and have manners? I am sure there are Canadian men that are not the greatest but I have not met one as of yet.
5th Subject
I threw a Baby shower for a friend and she got a boat load of gifts it took 2 cars to get all the loot to her home. She could not beleive that she got all this stuff and that I would throw such a big party for her. I said you are well like and when I throw a party I throw a party...
Last Subject
It seems that since I turn 40 I have had this craving for sex. I can't seem to get enough of it. I don't know if its a middle life crisis or me just saying what the **ck the man of my dreams is not coming so why not have fun with whoever. I feel like Polt from Poltspalace has taken over my brain and all I want is sex. I don't know what is wrong with me. It seems that the common sense that I have is not working.
So those are the subjects for today..
It snow last night and though it is very pretty this morning it cold wet and buried my car. I took me hour and a half to get my car dug out and I bet this evening when I get home from work someone else will have parked in my space.
2nd Subject
I got a web cam for my computer and I knew there were alot of perverted people in the world but who knew they all had a computer. I have never been asked to show my breast so many times in my life. Now I won't say if I have fullfilled any of the requests because that could make me a little perverted myself.
3rd Subject
Why when you know someone is wrong for you and you should not even give him the time of day? Why do you want to forgive them and try it again? When you know it is not good for you....
4th Subject
Why are Canadian men the greatest? Is it the accents or did their mothers raise them to be respectful and have manners? I am sure there are Canadian men that are not the greatest but I have not met one as of yet.
5th Subject
I threw a Baby shower for a friend and she got a boat load of gifts it took 2 cars to get all the loot to her home. She could not beleive that she got all this stuff and that I would throw such a big party for her. I said you are well like and when I throw a party I throw a party...
Last Subject
It seems that since I turn 40 I have had this craving for sex. I can't seem to get enough of it. I don't know if its a middle life crisis or me just saying what the **ck the man of my dreams is not coming so why not have fun with whoever. I feel like Polt from Poltspalace has taken over my brain and all I want is sex. I don't know what is wrong with me. It seems that the common sense that I have is not working.
So those are the subjects for today..
At 3:09 PM ,
Polt said...
Subject 1: I LOVE the snow. It only took my like 10 minutes to get mine cleaned off. I guess I was really anxious to get to work (yeah right)
Subject 2: Saying whether you've shown your breasts or not will not make you perverted, showing them, whether you say you do or not, will. (well I don't think it's perverted, but then I am a pervert, so..)
Subject 3: Because you're human that's why. but remember, just think of Uncle Polt, wagging the finger and saying, "No, no, no."
Subject 4: I haven't meant any non-great ones either...although some of them are greater than many different areas of skill.....
Subject 5: (waiting patiently for an equally awesome, loot filled party....for any reason...or for no reason, actually...)
Subject 6: Excuse me? Excuse ME? EXCUSE ME! (channeling Susanne Sugarbaker) Whaddaya mean I've taken over your brain and all you want it sex??? I want other things, And um, comic books. And, um, ah, books about sex. And DVD's about sex. And, and...stuff like that there!
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