What i did today
I started my day at the new Dollar store in Waynesboro. I am giving a baby shower on Monday for a friend that I work with and I got everything I needed for $20.00. Then I was off to Circut City to get a web cam and it has a micophone with it. Upon arrival at the store there was actually a parking space by the door. Who knew with it being the crazy shopping time. I went in a found what I needed and check out. I am off to Office Max now I could spend hours there which ended up to be an hour. I got address labels and upon check out I noticed the salesgirl wearing a surpport gay marriage wristband. I said love your wristband she said thank you then there was a pause she looked at me and ask are you going to ask what it means. I said surpport gay marriage she looked at me with a surprised look on her face. I just smiled and said thank you and took my purchased and left. My next stop Borders to pick up the Rent CD (movie). My next stop the Valley Mall. I stopped at the Trade Secret to pick nail polish then off to the Fashion Bug picked up a new shirt and a sexy red lace nite gown don't know why I got that but it was on sale and who knows maybe I will have reason to wear it. Then off to the Suncoast video store looking for a movie poster of Rent which they did not have. I was getting tired and hungray so off to CiCi pizza buffet then stop at Martin's to get some Swedish fish for Polt because I asked him if he would help me hook up the web cam. Then my last stop was the hair salon for my nails then home. I called Polt who did not check his messages so had no idea what I needed but the good guy he is he came down which I feed him pizza, soda, and goo goo clusters and swedish fish. He got my web cam running and showed me how to download my cd's into my new computer which I got on Sunday. We also order the movie poster of Rent over the internet. I spent the rest of the evening downloading my cd's.
So this was my day it was long and I spent money....
So this was my day it was long and I spent money....
At 8:15 AM ,
Polt said...
You forgot to mention how FABulous Polt looked in your sexy red lace night gown. And how even MORE FAB he looked in the purple silky nightshirt!
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