travel agent ag

Monday, April 10, 2006

Blah Blah Blah

I feel Blah today.

It seems like I hate everything and everyone today. It is my day off and the sun is shining and all I wanted to do today was spend a quiet restful day at home but NOOOOOOOO.

At 8:30am the lawn people came and mowed the lawn they left and peace and quiet was felt for about 15 mins because then a jackhammer started and it is now 10:30am and it is still being used. So screw the quiet restful day.......

I have a headache I feel like crap and all I get to do today is listen to noise......

So much for my day off..........

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I am missing Canada

Well it is April and this is usually the time of year when I take a trip to the great white north.

But alast it is not meant to be this year....

So The Second Cup will continue on as will Church St and Young St...

I can always go to the Remingtons web site and see the boys... But its not the same.....

You know it going to be a bad day

You know it is going to be a bad day when you get up and go to your car and look up at the sky and see this

The things we do

1. Pretending not to care when we really do.

2. Staying on the computer so your phone will not ring and then forget your cell is on.

3. Wishing straight men were more like gay men.

4. Secretly wishing you could take a sub automatic machine gun to work.

5. Saying what is on your mind and not be afraid of what people with think.

So it going to be a day I think.....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What I did on Saturday night

My friend Polt was feeling blah so I said you want to go to dinner. He thought me fixing dinner would be better..... So I fixed steak fries and corn... and rented the latest Harry Potter movie....

So it was an enjoyable evening

Now it Sunday and I want to spend the evening with my special friend who I have talked to today and hinted around as to what I want to do this evening... He is not getting it so when he calls me back I am going to have to spell it out for him... Are straight guys this dumb or do you have to show up with beer and be naked for them to get the idea....

Wish me luck......