Half Nekkid Thursday 2007 # 24

My cleavage seems to be the favorite topic here at HNT but Andrew seems to really like my endowments.

This past weekend Andrew wanted my cleavage free to be enjoyed. Next thing I know he had my bra on his head. Now I was thinking is this not a scene from the movie Weird Science but that bra sat on top of the head with the cups pointing up. Here my on cup fits on Andrew's head like a cap. His words and I quote "Good God woman your tits are as big as my head" My response "Well more for you to play with babe" Lets just say fun was had by all.
I must admit I do like this Andrew and I HNT theme I hope I will have more to show.
Click on the picture below and off to Os Land you will go. Come get Nekkid and you will see how much fun it will be